Where We Are


Our Alumni

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Chiara Miranda  | DEM '20 | UC Berkeley School of Optometry

“I’m so excited to start optometry school this fall at UC Berkeley! Being a part of DEM has allowed me to meet and connect with other aspiring healthcare professionals who soon became my friends too. I am very thankful for this community that motivated me to do my best and set me on a path to success.”


Johanna Yao | DEM '20 | Dietary Aide

“I joined DEM the end of my sophomore year and I am so glad I did! Not only has this fraternity provided me with a close circle of life long friends but also has opened my horizons to an array of different career goals. Through DEM, I found driven and caring individuals who had the same passion for healthcare as I did and was always so happy to see my brothers and sisters in the same classes as me. I am forever grateful for the friendships and memories I made here and encourage others to join as well!

As for my post-college plans, I am currently taking a gap year to work and earn more experience in the field. I am working as a dietary aide in two hospitals. My plan is to apply for dietetic internships next year and work towards being a registered dietitian.


Anthony Kalife | DEM '19 | Sr. Clinical Trial Associate

“I graduated from UC Davis with a degree in Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior with a minor in Technology Management. Being a part of Delta Epsilon Mu was one of the biggest highlights of my undergraduate career as it exposed me to the immersive and diverse fields of health and healthcare management. In addition to invaluable leadership and interpersonal skills I gained through my participation in DEM, I was extremely fortunate to have made lifelong friends from this fraternity. Currently, I am exploring the biotechnology industry as a Sr. Clinical Trial Associate in the San Francisco Bay Area. I hope to further develop my knowledge and experience in clinical research before continuing my path towards higher education.”


Kristen Kubo | DEM '18 | Colorado State University
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

“I am currently a second year veterinary student at the Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and it has been an amazing journey so far! I am interested in small animal general practice and integrative medicine. I owe a large part of my personal and professional growth to Delta Epsilon Mu. Surrounding myself with hardworking, ambitious, and passionate people is what really encouraged me to continue my pursuit of becoming a veterinarian. I am also grateful for the lifelong friendships and support system that DEM has given me.”

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Angela Tang | DEM '16 | Samuel Merritt University

"In Delta Epsilon Mu, I made lifelong friends who inspired and encouraged me throughout my journey. I was able to connect with sisters who attended Samuel Merritt and are practicing Case Manager-RNs to learn more about their experience with nursing school, from applying to working in the field.

Through DEM, I developed and refined my interview and leadership skills. In my one year as Public Relations Chair, I learned to coordinate events and members, work with other members of executive board, recruit, communicate with potential members, and network with alumni. These leadership skills have given me to confidence in graduate school to serve as my cohort’s class representative and as a student ambassador for Samuel Merritt. I can say definitively that Delta Epsilon Mu has transformed my undergraduate experience and has allowed me to build relationships with fun, caring, and motivated people that I’m proud to call my brothers and sisters."


Tricia Nguyen | DEM '16 | UCD Health
PGY1 Acute Care Pharmacy Resident

“I am originally from San Jose, CA, and obtained my B.S. in Nutrition Science at UC Davis before attending pharmacy school at Washington State University. Currently, I am a PGY1 Acute Care Pharmacy Resident at UC Davis Health. During my free time, I enjoy traveling, working out (weights/spin/yoga), reading, attending live music events, and exploring the outdoors. I love adventures, and I'm always excited to try new things! My involvement in DEM helped me create a network while building on my professional and time management skills, and I am beyond thankful for all of the people I have met through DEM.”


Katherine Cheung | DEM '14 | UOP School of Pharmacy

"Joining DEM during my undergraduate experience was probably one of the best decisions I made throughout my time at UC Davis. I started as a transfer student from community college, and as a transfer student, I feel like it is a little harder to make friends. Being in DEM reminded me that I am capable of doing anything if I put my mind to it. I feel it helped me to not only get accepted into pharmacy school, but to persevere through the challenges of graduate school while working as a pharmacy intern.

I’m currently a 3rd year pharmacy student at the University of the Pacific Thomas J. Long’s School of Pharmacy. I wanted the same experience that I got with DEM throughout my pharmacy school career, so I got more involved with my school and became co-chair of an educational committee and vice president of media affairs for one of the organizations on campus. I’m about to finish up rotations and graduate soon, but I probably wouldn’t have come this far if it wasn’t for my experiences at Davis!"


Randell Rueda | DEM '11 | UCD School of Medicine
Theta Chapter Founder National VP of Membership

"Delta Epsilon Mu was something I joined on a whim. I never saw myself as the type to join a fraternity, but I am now constantly reminded of why I made the right decision. From my undergraduate studies to medical school at UC Davis SOM and now residency, I have been blessed to interact with so many members as they continue on their own journeys. Though I have since moved away from Sacramento, it still fills my heart with pride to see the Beta Chapter Members succeeding and making an impact."